14 March, 2007

1001 Tales Elementary Myth Writing Rubric

'Were almost there here at Carol Morgan to finally join the 1001 project for real (meaning we actually have stories/myths posted). George Santos, the 3rd grade teacher I have been working with made a very simple rubric for the myths his kids are composing now. It is really simplified but for us Elementary teachers, this is a good thing. Yesterday while the kids were in the lab I saw several of them reading over their own myth and then putting checks into the boxes for the grade they would give themselves for their writing. It was refreshing to see and is a testament to the training George has given his kids in terms of using the rubric to self-evaluate. To see the rubric click HERE. It is an Excel file and we left it that way so you can modify it if you chose. Of course, we would love to have your feedback on the module as there is always room for improvement. Check it out and let us know what you think.

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