26 February, 2007

Coordination and Rotating Peer Assignments: Logistics

More: Chris and I discussed in the podcast how students should peer review different writers every week. I'm seeking a way to make it a self-running process, so we don't have to assign that every week.

I'm groping toward a solution, but could use help.

Michele D (Denver) and I originally paired students by ability groups: same-ability for one partner, and either +1 or -1 (in Vygotskian terms--"Zone of Proximal Development" and all that) for the other.

As new classrooms join, though, I don't see that being very possible. You?

My first groping (ouch) was just now: I added a lettered column "a-ff" to designate each row. I figure we might be able to say: week 1, do your own column and the one below you. Week two, etc.

But there are problems with that. Each column has different numbers of students in it. Maybe we should reformat? Thoughts?

I also numbered each student, 1 to 131. That gives us another option, since no number is repeated.

I don't have a good "logic puzzle" brain for these type things. If any of you do, I'm keen to listen. Because right now I have to assign the next teams for my students.

Learning is messy....

But this is so interesting.

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